A Study on the meaning of the toponyms of tourist attractions in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

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Kullayanee Kittopakarnkit


          The objective of this research is to analyze the significance of the names assigned to tourist attractions in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. This qualitative study utilizes document analysis to synthesize information collected from 449 viewpoints and scenic spots in Hangzhou. The specific names of tourist attractions can be categorized into the following groups: (1) Animals, (2) Administrative regions and street names, (3) Trees, flowers, and plants, (4) Occupations, community products, community Highlights, and culture, (5) Time and historical periods, (6) Personal names, (7) Entertainment and activities, (8) Deities and religions, (9) Mountains, city gates, forts, and rivers, (10) Modern terminology, (11) Directions, (12) Rankings, (13) Theater, literature, storytelling, paintings, and poems, (14) Climate and seasons, (15) Auspicious meaning, (16) Medicine and health, (17) Politics, (18) Company names, (19) Musical instruments, (20) Ethnic groups and minorities, and (21) Replications from original names. Additionally, there are general names that can be further divided into: (1) Natural landscapes, (2) Architectural structures, museums, centers, and stations, (3) Villages and rural areas, (4) Religion, (5) Streets, lanes, and alleys, (6) Accommodation places and resorts, (7) Entertainment and activities,and (8) Historical sites. Studying the meanings of the place names in this tourist attractions enables us to observe the distinctive features of the area of Hangzhou city. This study delves into the specific and general connotations of place names, which reflect the distinctive natural symbols of the area. These names have been deeply ingrained over an extensive period, becoming an integral part of the cultural fabric in this region that deserves further academic exploration.

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How to Cite
Kittopakarnkit, K. . (2024). A Study on the meaning of the toponyms of tourist attractions in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(3), 314–333. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/265525
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