Training Transfer for Development of Role and Skills of Administrators: A Case Study of Training Curriculum for the Mid-Level Administrators

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Tipakorn Senathip
Vorapit Meemark


           The objectives of this research were: 1) The knowledge, skills, and attitude of the attendances from the attendances of the Mid-Level Administrators Training Curriculum of the Kasetrathikan Institute, in the aspect of the mid-level administrators. 2)The applicability of the training transfer in the aspect of role and skills for the mid-level administrators. 3)The enablers and Inhibitors of training transfer from the Mid-Level Administrator's Training Curriculum of the Kasetrathikan Institute by the individual qualitative research from 40 interviewers.
           The research findings were as follows.
           1) the Mid-Level Administrator's Training Curriculum focused in the technical skill more than another skill. Moreover, the elements of the development, knowledge, skills, and attitudes are; (1) The expectations on the mid-level administrators (2) The preparation (3) The expediencies (4) Instructors and the teaching techniques (5) Place and environment (6) Technology (7) Timing (8) Accomplishments
           2) The training transfer from the Mid-Level Administrator's Training Curriculum did not succeed in the transfer of the skills and the rolls of the mid-level administrators since the curriculum did not focus on the human skills which are important for mid-level administrators. On the other hand, this curriculum focused on technical skill which is more suitable for the first-level administrators.
           3) The enablers and Inhibitors of the training transfer in the aspects of the rolls and skills of the mid-level administrators are in 3 areas, as follows: (1) Self-Development (2) Responsibility (3) Communications


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How to Cite
Senathip , T., & Meemark, V. . (2024). Training Transfer for Development of Role and Skills of Administrators: A Case Study of Training Curriculum for the Mid-Level Administrators. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 104–122. Retrieved from
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