The Development of Community Participatory Solid Waste Management Model : Case Study, Moo 8, Nongnak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Nong Khae District, Saraburi Province

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Vichan Damrongkij


        Participatory action research (PAR) describes this study. To research the state of trash management in the neighborhood, as well as news perception, behavior, and public participation, and to create a model for public involvement in neighborhood solid waste management. Case study: Nong Khae District, Saraburi Province, Village No. 8, Nong Nak Subdistrict. comprised of four phases: 1) Researched the community's solid waste management condition. 2) Creation of a model for collaborative solid waste management 3) Introducing a community-based participatory solid waste management model 4) Assess the effects of the procedure. Utilising questionnaires, interview forms, and interactive workshops, data was gathered. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were both used in the analysis. According to the findings, the community process for managing solid waste in communities consists of the following: 1. Plans and regulations for the solid waste management project have been released as part of the context process by the subdistrict administrative organisation, allowing the public to comment on the development plan proposal. 2. Input procedure: The SAO supports the creation of budgets, study trips, and tanks for organic waste. 3. The manner in which the Board of Directors operates Subdistrict leaders, a clean house competition, and leaders in each region will enhance the quality of life there. 4. Keeping track of the volume of solid waste. Solid waste recycling takes place in activities in which individuals take part. Found A total of 76.92% of the civic and local officials were informed. Village waste management by SAO: 58.46% Local leaders endorse, inspire, encourage, and collaborate. 83.08% zero waste. Solid waste management participation was rather moderate . There are four steps in the community-participatory solid waste management concept. 1. Adopted by the quality-of-life development committee at the subdistrict level. 2. Foster the leadership potential of village members. 3. Take part in the creation of the village's solid waste sorting rules and agreements. 4. Establish joint objectives to cut waste. After the procedure, it was discovered that there was less waste in the neighborhood. The public should be informed and encouraged to get involved in project development and community activities by local government organisations, according to several suggestions.

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How to Cite
Damrongkij, V. . (2023). The Development of Community Participatory Solid Waste Management Model : Case Study, Moo 8, Nongnak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Nong Khae District, Saraburi Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(6), 201–212. Retrieved from
Research Article


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