Guidelines for the Development of Operations of Basketry Community Enterprises, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province

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Natcharya Srichomkwan
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the operating conditions of basketry community enterprises, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province, 2) to study problems and obstacles to the operation of basketry community enterprises, 3) to study the guidelines for the development of operations of basketry community enterprises. The samples were divided into 3 groups: 1) Government agencies, Local leaders, 2) academics, and 3) members of community enterprises, basketry group. The data were collected by interview, data from documentation, and analyzed; described all data.  The results revealed that:
         1. The operating conditions: 1.1 Group production will be produced to orders to meet the needs of buyers; 1.2 The marketing and pricing are set by the producers who are elderly so it affected the price setting; 1.3 Management is handled in the form of a meeting committee to solve problems; 1.4 Group finances do not place an emphasis on bookkeeping; 1.5 Participation in decision-making receives benefits including solving problems in groups; 1.6 Leadership has a good group management plan and the annual dividend is allocated; 1.7 There is no labor cost in recruiting labor from other localities; 1.8 Membership management has set membership conditions; 1.9 External interactions provide training to organize the group; 1.10 Meeting news information is conducted for development work.
          2. Problems and obstacles: 2.1 The production has labor costs resulting in a high selling price; 2.2 Marketing and sales do not have many distribution channels, distributed according to government events; 2.3 Management within the group is not a problem; 2.4 Finance is insufficient for operations; 2.5 Lack of participation in the formulation of plans and policies; 2.6 Leadership lacks understanding of consumer needs; 2.7 Workers lack knowledge on how to organize without hiring workers outside the group; 2.8 Member management has an insufficient budget for welfare allocation; 2.9 Interaction with the outside, there is no network of additional occupation groups with other communities; 2.10 Regarding the lack of information exchange with successful community enterprise groups.
          3. Development guidelines: Government agencies promote the development of labor skills to meet the standards. Products are intermediaries between community enterprises and consumers. Increase marketing opportunities and improve rules and regulations to suit and apply to all members.

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How to Cite
Srichomkwan, N., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2024). Guidelines for the Development of Operations of Basketry Community Enterprises, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 235–256. Retrieved from
Research Article


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