Participation Factors which Affect the Social Roles of the Elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Ekarine Kqanmuang
Somkiet Kietjareon
Watcharin Sutthisai


           The  purposes  of  this  research  were 1) to study the levels of participation factors which affect the social roles  of the elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province  2)  to study the levels of the social roles  of the elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District,  Khon Kaen Province  3) to study the  participation factors which affect the social roles  of the elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province  The samples  were  360 elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula and selected through stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The  instrument  used  in  the  research  was  a  five  rating  scale  questionnaire  with  0.93 of  reliability.  The statistics encompassed mean, standard  deviation, Pearson’s Product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression by Stepwise  method  with the statistic significant level at. 01   
           The results of the research were as follows ;   1) The  level of participation factors which affect the social roles  of the elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province as a whole was rated at high level. As classified by aspects, all  four aspects were rated at high level, placed in descending order of each mean were the benefit, the performance, the decision making and the evaluation.  2) The social roles  of the elders in the area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province as a whole was rated at high level, As classified by aspect, one aspect, the religion, was rated at the highest, the other three  were rated at high level, placed in descending order of each mean were  the education, the culture and tradition and the community  development.3) The three participation  factors, the decision making, the performance and the benefit, affected the social roles  of the elders in the area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province as a whole was at 66.70 percent with  R2 = .667 and  F value = 166.142 with the statistic significant at .01

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How to Cite
Kqanmuang , E. ., Kietjareon, S. . ., & Sutthisai, W. . (2024). Participation Factors which Affect the Social Roles of the Elders in the Area of Thapra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 42–55. Retrieved from
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