An Analysis of Cultural Contents of Thai Textbooks in the People’s Republic of China

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Juncai Li
Patcharin Buranakorn


           This research aimed to analyze and categorize cultural contents of four sets, seventeen volumes, of Thai textbooks published by four publishing houses in People’s Republic of China.  The results of findings were as follows: The studied textbooks cover targeted or Thai; learner or Chinese; and international cultures. Thai culture is the main content of the studied textbooks, and its subjects increase by chapters; while contents of Chinese culture decrease. For cultural contents of the texts studied, six areas are found, including 1) contents of Thai culture, sorted as eight groups of artifact; three levels of Thai traditional practices; six types of Thai cultural visions; five groups of Thai communities; three types of Thai cultural persons; and Thai cultural geography. 2) Contents of Chinese culture, sorted as seven types of traditional Chinese culture; three types of reforming Chinese culture; three types of modern Chinese culture; and Chinese cultural geography. 3) International cultures, sorted as two types including foreign language and literature; and foreign festivals. 4) Compound cultures, sorted as five types. 5) Unidentified culture, two issues are found. 6) Comparative cultures, increasingly added in Thai language textbooks lately published.

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How to Cite
Li, J., & Buranakorn, P. . (2024). An Analysis of Cultural Contents of Thai Textbooks in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 110–129. Retrieved from
Research Article


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