Change Management Technology Acceptance and Adaptability with Digital Financial Services of Specialized Financial Institutions Staff Eastern Region

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Monnakorn Orachorn
Jedsada Wongsansukcharoen


          This study aims to study change management and technology acceptance. And accept innovation to adapt to employees of government professional financial institutions. Digital banking services in the eastern region, through quantitative research, the sample studied is employees of government professional financial institutions. 370 people. The research tool adopts questionnaire survey and makes descriptive statistical analysis on the data. The results show that employees are highly adaptable to the electronic financial transaction mode, and a few of them are still studying in the work system, among which the average cultural change management is 4.18 The average value of the technology actually adopted is the highest, and the average value is equal to 4.25 Observable feature innovation has the highest acceptance, with an average of 4.27 and the average fitness of employees' body side is the largest, with an average of 4.35 The results show that change management, technology acceptance and innovation acceptance have a significant impact on the adaptability of employees in state-owned professional financial institutions, and Digital banking is statistically 0.05
          Problems and Suggestions The entry of electronic money trading system is a rapid development process, and as a result, its functions must be adjusted in different directions. Among them, electronic money trading will open the horizon of future state-owned specialized financial institutions, so as to change financial life, realize modernization and technological progress, meet the challenges of people's lives, enable state-owned specialized financial institutions to manage and train their employees, equip them with the knowledge of new functional systems, guide the public to use the financial trading system at any time, and serve the state-owned specialized financial institutions with the interests of citizens.

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How to Cite
Orachorn, M., & Wongsansukcharoen, J. . (2024). Change Management Technology Acceptance and Adaptability with Digital Financial Services of Specialized Financial Institutions Staff Eastern Region. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 441–457. Retrieved from
Research Article


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