Participatory community forest management between government and civil society to lead to sustainability : Case Study of Ban Pi Community Forest, Wiang Subdistrict, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province and Ban Pong Community Forest, Ta Pha Mok Subdistrict, Long District, Phrae Province

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Worapol Thangtong
Chanida Jittaruttha


          The objective of this research was to study: 1. Study the characteristics of participatory management between the government and civil society to contribute to the sustainability of Ban Pi Community Forest. Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province, and Ban Pong Community Forest, Long District, Phrae Province, which has resulted in success in becoming a model community forest. 2. Transformational leadership characteristics of community leaders who make a difference to community forests lead to the sustainability of community forests. 3. Characteristics of capital affecting the success of participatory management for the sustainability of community forests, and 4. Positive impacts on sustainable development resulting from participatory community management of community forest areas. The specific sample is Ban Pi Community Forest. Moo 1 and Moo 10, Wiang Sub-district, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province and Ban Pong Community Forest Moo 3, Ta Pha Mok Subdistrict, Long District, Phrae Province Specific groups of informants consist of government informants. A total of 14 people from the Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and 30 civil society informants from the community collected data using field research methods by collecting data by means of in-depth interviews and focus groups. Use qualitative research methodology as the main guideline. Component analysis from the conceptual framework to find relationships in 4 aspects: Variable elements Aspect 1 is the process of participation between the government and civil society. The second variable element is that plays an important role in creating change in the community forest area. Aspect 3 is the capital model for community forest management and variable elements. Aspect 4 is the positive impact on sustainable development of community forest areas
          The results of the research were as follows: 1. Participatory management between the government and civil society to contribute to the sustainability of Ban Pi Community Forest. Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province, and Ban Pong Community Forest, Long District, Phrae Province, where success in becoming a model community. There are 4 types of participation: 1) participation in decision-making, 2) participation in operations, 3) participation in utilization, 4) participation in evaluation. 2. Transformational leadership of community leaders who make a difference in Ban Pi Community Forest, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province and Ban Pong Community Forest, Long District, Phrae Province Contribute to the sustainability of community forests Leadership traits with 4 key attributes: 1) ideological influence, 2) motivation, 3) intellectual stimulation, 4) consideration of individuality, 3. capital that affects the success of participatory management for the sustainability of Ban Pi Community Forest. Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province, and Ban Pong Community Forest, Long District, Phrae Province. There are 5 types of capital in community forest management: 1) human capital, 2) social capital, 3) natural capital, 4) physical capital, 5) financial capital, 4. Positive impact on sustainable development caused by participatory community management of Ban Pi Community Forest. Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province, and Ban Pong Community Forest, Long District, Phrae Province, found that the positive impact on sustainable development of community forest areas. There are 4 key dimensions: 1) cooperation in the efficient use of resources to achieve the desired goals, 2) jointly ensuring conservation, restoration and use of ecosystems, 3) participation in sustainable community forest management, and 4) jointly ensuring sustainable food production systems in accordance with agricultural practices that do not affect the environment.


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How to Cite
Thangtong , W. ., & Jittaruttha, C. (2024). Participatory community forest management between government and civil society to lead to sustainability : Case Study of Ban Pi Community Forest, Wiang Subdistrict, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province and Ban Pong Community Forest, Ta Pha Mok Subdistrict, Long District, Phrae Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 1–17. Retrieved from
Research Article


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