Development of an Instructional Model by Applying Blameless Postmortem Methods to Enhance Critical Reading Skills and Creative Problem Solving Skills of Undergraduate Students

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Busaba Buasomboon


          The purposes of this research were to: (1) develop and determine the efficiency of an instructional model by applying the blameless postmortem methods to enhance critical reading skills and creative problem solving skills of undergraduate students (2) evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional model by applying the blameless postmortem methods to enhance critical reading skills and creative problem solving skills of undergraduate students and (3) disseminate an instructional model by applying the blameless postmortem methods to enhance critical reading skills and creative problem solving skills of undergraduate students. The samples of this research were 27 undergraduate students in the third year of Thai Language major, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University, the target population consisted of 35 undergraduate students in the second year of Thai Language major, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.The research instruments employed in this research were an instruction model, a manual, lesson plans, critical reading skills and creative problem solving skills tests and an opinion of this instructional model. The quantitative data were analyzed by mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and t – test dependent, repeated-measure analysis of variance. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.
          The following were the results: 1. The Instruction model by applying Blameless Postmortem Methods to Enhance Critical Reading Skills and Creative Problem Solving Skills of Undergraduate Students consisted of 4 components; principles, objectives, process and measurement and evaluation.The teaching and learning process has 6 steps as follows: 1) Prerequisite 2) Proof of evidence 3) Proof of concept 4) Report 5) Lessons learned
6) Encouragement novel viewpoints
          2. The effectiveness of the model indicated that 2.1) the undergraduate students’ critical reading skills after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a 0.05 significance level, 2.2) after implementing the model, the undergraduate students’ critical reading skills were continually higher, each measurement was statistically different at the 0.05 level for all pairs (p=.000), 2.3) the undergraduate students’ creative problem solving skills after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a 0.05 significance level, 2.4) after implementing the model, the undergraduate students’ creative problem solving skills were continually higher, each measurement was statistically different at the 0.05 level for all pairs (p=.000-.003), 2.5) the students’ opinions of the model were in the level of strongly.
          3. The effectiveness of disseminating the instructional model revealed that 3.1) the undergraduate students’ critical reading skills after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a 0.05 significance level, 3.2) after implementing the model, the undergraduate students’ critical reading skills were continually higher, each measurement was statistically different at the 0.05 level for all pairs (p=.000), 3.3) the undergraduate students’ creative problem solving skills after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a 0.05 significance level, 3.4) after implementing the model, the undergraduate students’ creative problem solving skills were continually higher, each measurement was statistically different at the 0.05 level for all pairs (p=.000), 3.5) the students’ opinions of the model were in the level of strongly.

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How to Cite
Buasomboon, B. . (2023). Development of an Instructional Model by Applying Blameless Postmortem Methods to Enhance Critical Reading Skills and Creative Problem Solving Skills of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(9), 273–288. Retrieved from
Research Article


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