The application of Professional Learning Community with Action Learning Supervision Process for Educational Leaders’ Competencies and Teacher’s Learning Management Competencies of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1

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Penpluem Cheychom


          This research to study the problems and needs for developing teachers' educational leadership competencies. Including extracting lessons from developing the learning management competencies of teachers under the Secondary Educational Services Area Office Bangkok 1 using the application of professional learning communities in conjunction with educational supervision through the process of learning from practice using Qualitative. Research-based on Phenomenology, The researchers used in-depth and continuous interviews with key informants with direct experience and teachers in various school subject groups through 4 steps: 1) reviewing relevant documents and research; 2) collecting and collecting data by applying Professional Learning Community (PLC) together with educational supervision by Action Learning process. Triangulation and 4) presented the conclusions obtained from the research by grouping the main issues to present the report as an analytical description.
          The results of the study found that The needs for developing teachers' educational leadership competencies are: 1) inspiring and cooperating to achieve the goal By powerfully communicating and conveying the organization's vision, 2) communication and cooperation, and 3) the ability to work under conditions of change and pressure. They are understanding, accepting and coping with changes, listening to opinions from different perspectives and approaches. As for the lesson transcripts for developing teachers' learning management competencies, they suggest guidelines to focus on learning management. Moreover, create a learning process that focuses on the learner—considering the age difference Differences between individuals, including learning management that considers the organization of content that emphasizes transmission to students in a variety of appropriate ways and the maximum benefits that learners should receive.


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How to Cite
Cheychom, P. (2024). The application of Professional Learning Community with Action Learning Supervision Process for Educational Leaders’ Competencies and Teacher’s Learning Management Competencies of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 274–290. Retrieved from
Research Article


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