The Airport Services in Digital Age

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Tem Chaiyaphoom
Voradej Chandarasorn
Pensri Chirinang
Udomvit Chaisakulkiet


           The human resourceswere an important mechanism that drove the organization to operate efficiently, so human resource management was an activity that was necessary and important in the operation of the organization.Therefore, the purpose of this article was to study the process of modern human resource management by applying innovation in the organization. It was found that in the new resource management, organizational leaders influenced the ability to create innovation, as well as the potential of resources and the organizational environment,creating a culture in the organization of innovation in creating new things to solve problems, to develop the organization, innovation could happen with human creativity, commitment to the continuous improvement,human resources that could create innovation must have knowledge capital, skill capital, intellectual capital, and happiness capital. It was therefore the duty of the organizational leaders to recruit and maintain these funds in human resources, having shared goals of the organization and employees as it was the factor that could drive employees’ behavior and creativity.

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How to Cite
Chaiyaphoom, T., Chandarasorn , V. ., Chirinang , P. ., & Chaisakulkiet, U. . (2024). The Airport Services in Digital Age. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 376–390. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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