Digital Citizenship in Thailand

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Kwanchanok Aryuyuen
Usa Ngammeesri
Somjai Seubsor


        This article aims to present the concept of digital citizenship and guidelines for digital citizenship in Thailand. Digital citizenship is an important skill today because digital technology has developed rapidly, digital technology in almost every aspect of life. The important elements of digital citizenship in Thailand are important that Thai people should know to be able to live life in a timely and safe manner. Therefore, relevant agencies should organize learning or develop digital citizenship skills for the new generation of citizens to be able to access, know and not become a tool or be led in the wrong way and have the skills necessary to live life appropriately in the digital age.

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How to Cite
Aryuyuen, K., Ngammeesri , U. ., & Seubsor, S. . (2024). Digital Citizenship in Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 406–416. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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