People Participation in the Election of Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District

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Ruengrut Raneeyo
Jidapa Thirasirikul


           The research objectives were: 1) to study level of people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District; 2) to study factors affecting people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District; and 3) to suggest ways to promote people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District. The research was quantitative research. The population and samples were people with voting right in the election of Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District. The research utilized a questionnaire as a tool to collect data from 400 samples. The statistical techniques were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Pearson’s Correlation. The result were as follows: 1)  level of people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District was at high level, 2) The differences in sex , age, education and occupation were related to difference in people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District at the statistical significance level of 0.00, 3) media perception behavior factor and institution factor were correlated with people participation in the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District at the statistical significance level of 0.00, 3) The research suggestions were that public sector ,related public organizations and political parties should support and promote in educating people knowledge about importance of the election of  Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors by using appropriate media both television and internet media to widely communicate to target voters.

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How to Cite
Raneeyo, R. ., & Thirasirikul , J. . (2024). People Participation in the Election of Bangkok Metropolitan Governor and Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors in Phasi Charoen District. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 292–303. Retrieved from
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