A Study of the Relationship Between Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty of MapTa Phut Private Vehicle Inspection Facility in Rayong Province

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Kattaleeya Budda
Tipvanna Ngarmsak


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) customer experience, 2) customer loyalty, and 3) the relationship between customer experience on customer loyalty of Map Ta Phut Private Vehicle Inspection Facility, Rayong province. Questionnaires with 120 samples were used to measure 4 dimensions of customer experience: peace-of-mind, moments-of truth, outcomes focus, and product experience these had 19 items by using scale 7 levels. The customer loyalty had 5 items by using scale 7 levels. Percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis are among the analysis data. Results find that; the customer experience has 19 items of strongly agree that are peace-of-mind 6 items, moments-of truth 5 items, outcomes focus 4 items, and product experience 4 items. The customer loyalty has 5 items of strongly agree. The customer experience in peace-of-mind and outcomes focus are significantly related to customer satisfaction. The customer experience of peace-of-mind, outcomes focus and product experience are significantly related to customer loyalty.

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How to Cite
Budda , K. ., & Ngarmsak, T. . (2023). A Study of the Relationship Between Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty of MapTa Phut Private Vehicle Inspection Facility in Rayong Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 153–168. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/267719
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