Adaptive Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators in New normal age

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Panupong Unnachart
Ekkarach Kositpimanvach
Yingsan Hapha


      This academic paper is a study of Adaptive leadership of school administrators in the New Normal era. This is the basis of educational institution administrators who must use the process of using influence and authority as well as knowledge. Leader's ability and techniques to build faith and convince subordinates to work willingly to achieve unconditional achievement of the organization's or leader's goals. The content and details are as follows 1) Definition of Adaptive Leadership 2) Role of Adaptive Leadership 3) Adaptive leadership development model 4) New Normal  5) Concepts and Theories of Academic Leadership educational administration.

            With a situation in which Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) is outbreaking, it causes    

a significant change to the world called “New Normal,” the new standard for the potentiality of living on as long as possible. Organizational management has to adapt for survival and the ability to continue a business. Thus the leadership of the executives is essential to make an organization reach its objectives efficiently.

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How to Cite
Unnachart, P. ., Kositpimanvach , . E. ., & Hapha, Y. . (2024). Adaptive Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators in New normal age. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 494–504. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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