Internal Supervision Using The Professional Learning Community Process

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Wanthana Rittiyoong
Ekkarat Kositpimanwet
Kanokon Somphat


           Internal supervision using the professional learning community process develops teachers' teachingeffective student learning and effectiveness because it is a driver for continuity and sustainability, administrators, teachers, educational personnel, as well as communities and related parties join in exchanging knowledge and brainstorming ideas to find solutions or develop teachers with good qualityand have the potential to continuously develop oneself. Have the ability to design learning using a variety of teaching activities that meet the potential of the learnerThere are developments that elevate the learning management process to be more efficientThere is also the development of students in all aspects so that they can learn happily.

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How to Cite
Rittiyoong, W. ., Kositpimanwet , E. ., & Somphat , K. . (2024). Internal Supervision Using The Professional Learning Community Process. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 574–588. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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