Omni Channel Marketing Factors Effecting on Purchasing Decision Marking Consumers of Makro Phitsanulok Province

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Yanisa Suwanhong
Tummatinna Seesupan


          The objectives of this research article are to 1) study the level of seamless marketing factors. and the level of decision to purchase products and 2) seamless marketing factors that affect the decision to purchase products from Makro department store Phitsanulok Province Conducted according to quantitative research methods. The sample group was 400 people who had experience in purchasing seamless marketing products. Using a purposive sampling method, the tool was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency values, percentage values, averages, and deviations. standard ben and multiple regression analysis.
          The results of the research found that 1) studied the level of seamless marketing factors. And at the level of purchasing decisions, it was found that the overall marketing factors were seamless at a high level. and the overall decision to purchase products was at a high level. 2) Seamless marketing factors affecting product purchasing decisions were found Seamless marketing factors include connecting to customers. Understanding consumer behavior and building relationships with customers It has an effect on the decision to buy products from Makro department stores. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level, which together can predict the decision to purchase products without a hundred percent from Makro department store is equal to 70.0 percent and has the factor of providing a continuously good experience. It does not affect the decision to buy products without a hundred percent from Makro department store.

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How to Cite
Suwanhong, Y. ., & Seesupan, T. . (2024). Omni Channel Marketing Factors Effecting on Purchasing Decision Marking Consumers of Makro Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 239–253. Retrieved from
Research Article


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