Knowledge Management For Local Wisdom and Culture a Case Study of BoonBangFai Festival at Tambon DonYaoYai Amphoe NonDaeng Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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panuwat kittikronwaranon Ratanapimonphonsaen
Krittaporn Tarasi
Rungsuriya Phonsaen


         The objectives of this research were is to 1.) study the history of Boon Bang Fai Festival     Don Yaw Yai, Non-Daeng, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 2.) create knowledge management for Boon Bang Fai Festival in Don Yaw Yai, Non-Daeng, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 3.) study concepts and how to inherit Boon Bang Fai Festival to the next generation in Don Yaw Yai, Non Daeng, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. This research was qualitative research by using Semi-Structured Interview of 18 people which was selected purposively including monks, local governments, community wisdom members, local experts, community leaders and local experts in wisdom and culture and contents analysis.
         The results were as follows: 1.) No clear evidence of the exact date that Boon Bang Fai Festival was founded. There was only a narrative of people in the community which has inherited for more than 100 years as their ancestors moved from Ubon Ratchatani Province and Sri Sa Ket Province to live their lives and continue Boon Bang Fai Festival in the area. In 2002, the people improved Boon Bang Fai Festival to fit a new era and focus on social dynamics change. 2.) There were seven steps of knowledge management to maintain this heritage in each generation and 3.) The concept of maintaining this heritage was to educate about Boon Bang Fai Festival, publicize through several channels, and create collaborative networks between people, public organization, private organization in both internal and external community.

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How to Cite
Ratanapimonphonsaen, panuwat kittikronwaranon, Tarasi , K. ., & Phonsaen, R. . . (2023). Knowledge Management For Local Wisdom and Culture a Case Study of BoonBangFai Festival at Tambon DonYaoYai Amphoe NonDaeng Nakhon Ratchasima Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(11), 325–337. Retrieved from
Research Article


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