The Development of Listening Skills for Early Childhood by Using Mother's Gift Series Multimedia Story Tale

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Preeyaporn Aungwanich
Kornveepa Sappakitjumnong


           The objectives of this research were : 1) to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the Mother's Gift series multimedia story tale for 3rd-year Kindergarten students based on the 80/80 criteria, and 2) to develop listening skills the listening skills of 3rd-year Kindergarten students using the Mother's Gift series multimedia story tale for teaching purposes. The study was conducted on a sample group of twelve 3rd-year kindergarten students from the first semester of the academic year 2023 at Wat Bang Rahong School (Phirom Siri) located in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province. The participants were selected using the purposive sampling method for the One Group, Pretest-Posttest Design experiment. As part of the research, the following tools were used: 1) The Mother's Gift series multimedia story tale, 2) a lesson plan centered around the Mother's Gift series multimedia, and 3) a listening skill test to determine the learners' ability to listen. The test's reliability was estimated at 0.71, and data were analyzed using the average standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples.
           The research results show that the Mother's Gift series multimedia story tale is highly effective, achieving a score of 80.58/80.78 under the E1/E2 criteria, which meets the required 80/80 standard. Additionally, the listening ability of students in 3rd-year Kindergarten significantly improved after studying with the Mother's Gift series multimedia story tale, supporting the hypothesis and resulting in a statistically significant increase at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Aungwanich, P. . ., & Sappakitjumnong , K. . (2024). The Development of Listening Skills for Early Childhood by Using Mother’s Gift Series Multimedia Story Tale. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 247–258. Retrieved from
Research Article


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