The Relationship Exchange Between Leaders and Followers Affecting the Efficiency of School Management Under Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Sukanya Prakobkit
Somchai Chavalitthada
Wichian Intarasompun


          The relationship exchange component of administrators affecting the effectiveness in educational school management has central role because they are responsible for overseeing the efficient performance of subordinates. The objectives of this research were 1) to study level of relationship exchange component of administrators, 2) to study level of efficiency in school management and 3) to study relationship exchange component of administrators affecting the effectiveness in educational school management. Quantitative data were collected using an online questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentages, mean, standard deviation and interpret the meaning according to the boundary criteria of the mean according to Best's concept from teachers under Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office academic year 2022 were 337 people by stratified random sampling of the population.
          ​The results indicated that 1) level of relationship exchange composition of administrators under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office overall mean was at a high level, 2) level of efficiency in school management under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office overall mean was at a high level and 3) The relationship exchange component of administrators affecting the effectiveness in educational school management under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office has statistical significance at the 0.1 level and multiple correlations equal .864. The data revealed that the most influential variables in the research are other dimensions, works from various relationships, allegiance and affections were factors that affect the efficiency of school management under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office has statistical significance at the 0.1 level and able to predict efficiency in school management under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office got 74.40 percent.


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How to Cite
Prakobkit, S. ., Chavalitthada , S. ., & Intarasompun, W. . (2024). The Relationship Exchange Between Leaders and Followers Affecting the Efficiency of School Management Under Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 512–526. retrieved from
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