The Results of using the mathematics skill Practice on Adding and Subtracting Numbers 2 Numbers with Positive and Negative Results not Exceeding 9 for Prathomsuksa 1
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The purposes to this research were 1) to develop skill training in mathematics on addition and subtraction of two numbers were not more than 9 and 2) to compare learning achievement of prathomsuksa 1 students after using skill training in mathematics. The samples were 7 pratomsuksa 1 students who were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used for this research were 1) skill training 2) pre - test and post- test with an IOC validity level of 1.00 3) 7 lesson plans with the highest level at 4.5 – 4.6 except for the 2nd and 4th plans which in the high level at 4.47 and 4.44 respectively 4) 5 – sided skill evaluation form: content, language, illustration, performance and durability with the high level at 3.74 5) 5 – sided lesson plan evaluation form: syllabus, objective, learning management, teaching material and learning assessment and 6) the evaluation with the reliability between test and indicator/IOC. The results revealed as follows 1) learning achievement scores was statistically at the significant 0.05 level by using skill training in mathematics on addition and subtraction of two numbers were not more than 9 and 2) students’ average score difference increased to 3.85 after using skill training in mathematics and learning activities simultaneously.
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