The Cultural Ecology, Identity Construction and Community Based Social Innovation Design for Quality of Life Development for the Eastern Thung Kula Ronghai in Sisaket Province, Roi Et Province and Yasothon Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) identify cultural ecological changes in the Eastern Thung Kula Ronghai as a result of economic, social and environmental development discourses, 2) explore identity construction forming identities of the community, and 3) develop a community-based social innovation design to substantially improve quality of life in the community. This study is based on a qualitative approach and uses a variety of methods: semi-structured interview, group discussion, and brainstorming. The key informants consisted of a group of community development specialists, cultural leaders, and civil-society representatives; then they participated in the social innovation design activities.
The findings reflect the relevant scenarios. Regarding the discourses on economic, social, and environmental development, the cultural ecological changes in Eastern Thung Kula Ronghai area had identified in 5 periods: prehistory, historical period, reform period, transition period, and postmodern. As to the identity construction, intangible and tangible identities were found. There are 3 contextual factors that have influenced on the identity construction: economy, social, and environment; and the concept of identity development aims at social acceptability, bargaining power, and potential to perform resistance. According to the design and development of community-based social innovation, 10 innovation models, in correspondence with the SDGs, have developed. All those innovations have intended results as a strategy for improving the quality of life of the Eastern Thung Kula Ronghai community in 5 dimensions that conform to the SDGs’ 5 pillars (P1-P5). In reference to the public forum debate, it passed a resolution promoting 5 dimensions: development of youth participation and leadership, development community leaders/organization/partnership’s potential, development of organization on integrated learning management, development of collaborative networks, and the development of strategy framework at district and provincial levels along with the OSM.
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