Job Motivation and Organizational Commitment Affecting the Job Efficacy of Employees in Meat Processing Production Factories in Bangkok Province

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Surawat Wongsrirattanakul
Sompon Thungwha


          The objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate job motivation, organizational commitment, and job efficacy of employees; 2) compare the job efficacy of those employees as a personal factor; and 3) investigate the effects of job motivation and organizational commitment toward the job efficacy of employees in the meat processing production factories in Bangkok province. This research was a quantitative study. Samples in the study were 382 employees of the meat processing production factories in Bangkok province using Purposive Sampling and simple random sampling to randomize these samples. The research tool in this study was a questionnaire, which was statistically analyzed by using a percentage, means, standard deviation (SD), t-test, F-test, and multiple regression analyses.
          The findings of the study revealed that; 1) level of job motivation, organizational commitment, and job efficacy of employee’s factor overall was at a high level. 2) employees having different statuses, educational levels, and operating times had different job efficacy at a statistical significance of 0.05 levels. Meanwhile, employees having different sexes and ages had no difference in their job efficacy; and 3) Job motivation had an impact on the job efficacy of employees in the meat processing production factories in Bangkok province by the percentage of the predictive analytics at 67.10-82.60 (R Square=67.10, 0.826).

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How to Cite
Wongsrirattanakul, S., & Thungwha, S. . (2024). Job Motivation and Organizational Commitment Affecting the Job Efficacy of Employees in Meat Processing Production Factories in Bangkok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 383–398. retrieved from
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