The Comparison of Academic Achievement in Social Studies Subjects of Mathayom 3 Students at Wiangjedeewittaya School Using Activities Sets and Traditional Learning Management

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Ukrit Suwan
Oranuch Limtasiri


          The proposes of this research are in order to conduct the activity set along with studying the Social studies subject efficiently in conjunction with 80/80 criteria and correlate the pre-effectiveness and post-effectiveness of the Social studies subject by assessing from set of activity and traditional instructional approach. Comparing the pre-effectiveness and post-effectiveness through an activity set and conventional teaching of Secondary 3 student is kind of experimental research of population in which the representative samples are comprised with secondary 3 room 1 and room 6 for 42 persons, secondary 3 room 8 for 30 persons and restrict representative samples as secondary 3 room 7 for 30 persons by randomly selecting. For the research equipment, there are consisted of activity set, lesson plan, traditional instructional approach and efficacy measurement test. The confidence interval is equal to 0.73 in which there are the analysis methods, for instance, average value, percent, standard deviation, innovation efficiency and t-test.  
          As a result, the activity set evaluation of secondary 3 have the efficiency about to 82.27/81.87 in accordance to 80/80 criteria. In the meantime, the pre-effectiveness of activity set is particularly more than the post-effectiveness for 0.05 statistical point. Obviously, the efficiency of studying the social studies subject through traditional instruction approach is more than pre-effectiveness for 0.05 statistical point. Nevertheless, the efficiency from activity set conduction is significantly better than the traditional instruction approach to 0.05 statical point.

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How to Cite
Suwan, U., & Limtasiri, O. . (2024). The Comparison of Academic Achievement in Social Studies Subjects of Mathayom 3 Students at Wiangjedeewittaya School Using Activities Sets and Traditional Learning Management . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 420–434. retrieved from
Research Article


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