The Comparison of Achievement in Science and Technology Subject on Materials Aronud Primary 3 Students Between the Experience Enhancement Book Series "Anan’s Adventure in Wonderland" and Regular Teaching

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Suchitra Seedachit
Kornveepa Suppakitjumnong


          The research aimed to 1) create and measure the efficiency of the books series for enhancing experiences to reach the criterion of 80/80, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland in science and technology subject on material around us, 2) to compare learning achievement in science and technology subject on material around us of primary 3 students between being taught by using the series of book for enhancing experiences, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland and Regular Teaching. The population in the study was 295 primary 3 students, the first semester of the academic year 2023 from Anurajaprasit School, Bangkrasor district, Nonthaburi province. The sample was selected from simple random sampling using a lottery method from 2 classrooms. The experimental group consisted of 30 students from class 3/5 being taught by using the series of books for enhancing experiences, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland and the control group consisted of 30 students from class 3/4 being taught by a Regular Teaching. The research instruments comprised 1) the series of book for enhancing experiences, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland, 2) learning management plan on materials around us and 3) leaning achievement test for science and technology on materials around us for primary 3 students, 40 question items with the reliability of 0.85. Randomized control group, pretest-posttest design was used in the experiment. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test independent.
          The research results indicated that 1) the efficiency of the series of book for enhancing experiences, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland on materials around us for primary 3 students, science and technology subject, was 81.33/80.42 (E1/E2), which met the 80/80 efficiency criterion. 2) The learning achievement of students being taught using the series of book for enhancing experiences, AnAn’s adventure in wonderland on materials around us was higher than students being taught using a Regular Teaching with the 0.05 statistical significance level.


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How to Cite
Seedachit, S., & Suppakitjumnong , K. . (2024). The Comparison of Achievement in Science and Technology Subject on Materials Aronud Primary 3 Students Between the Experience Enhancement Book Series "Anan’s Adventure in Wonderland" and Regular Teaching. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 131–145. retrieved from
Research Article


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