Examining Grade 8 Students' Learning Achievement in the Main Components of Computer Systems and Communication Technology through E-Book Instruction

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Sulawan Pangsee
Umporn Wutchana


          The objectives of this research were to 1) develop an e-book about main components of the computer system and communication technology to be effective according to the 80/80 standard criteria, 2) study the "learning" achievement of students by comparing their pre-test and post-test performance after learning with e-books. The experimental group is 30 grade 8 students at Nongkhaesorakitpittaya School, "selected by cluster" random sampling. Their pre-test and post-test achievement scores were analyzed by mean, percentage, S.D. and t-test dependent.
          Used tools in this research are 1) two E-books consists of main components of the computer system and communication technology, 2) three learning plans about main components of the computer system and communication technology, and 3) an achievement test. "The research results" revealed that: 1) the E-books have the efficiency (E1/E2) of  81.87/82.22 which accorded to the criteria of 80/80, and 2)  the Students post-test achievement scores was higher than their pre-test scores ,statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Pangsee, S., & Wutchana, U. . (2024). Examining Grade 8 Students’ Learning Achievement in the Main Components of Computer Systems and Communication Technology through E-Book Instruction. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 321–331. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/270587
Research Article


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