Representations of Women in Novels Winning Chommanard Book Prize, 2020 - 2023

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Qiao Lan
Jansuda Chaiprasert


          This article aims to analyze representations of women in sixteen novels winning Chommanard Book Prize, during 2020 – 2023. Concepts of representations and text analysis are applied in the study. Research findings are reported as a descriptive analysis.
          The research finds two main representations of women in novels studied, including the traditional women and the modern women. It is noticed that representations of modern women are more promoted for making women recognized in the society. The more modern representations of women are for example being leaders; being aware of their rights; and regarding education as the key stage of changing roles of women in future. Findings of four statuses of women in novels studied are as the following. 1) The mother, performing roles of being good; raising, educating, and protecting children; and being the leader. 2) The wife, sharing economic burden of the family; and being tough more than reserved as a housewife. 3) The daughter, being grateful; performing the leading role; achieving good education; and being efficient. 4) The daughter-in-law, being against the ill-using power of the mother-in-law. All representations shown in the awarded novels persuade readers to realize the values and importance of women in the family and society.


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How to Cite
Lan , Q. ., & Chaiprasert, J. . (2024). Representations of Women in Novels Winning Chommanard Book Prize, 2020 - 2023. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 193–211. retrieved from
Research Article


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