Conditions Affecting Successes in Cross-Cultural Communication: a Case Study of International Affairs between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand and Higher Educational Institutes in People's Republic of China

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Nannan Jiang
Patcharin Buranakorn


          This qualitative research aims to analyze conditions affecting successes in cross-cultural communication focusing on international affairs between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University (HCU) in Thailand and higher educational institutes in People's Republic of China (PRC). Selected informants are five officers of HCU and nineteen officers from eleven higher educational institutes in PRC. Use research tools by asking interview guide questions and observation for analysis. The research finds similar cultures positively supporting cross-cultural communication, including 1) less contextual communication, without additional interpretation. 2) Linear communication, prioritizing plans and processing. 3) Complex communication, processing multiple issues through complicated time point of view. 4) Close communication, informal contacting and less processing. And 5) Personal communication, creating relationships with respective distance. On the contrary, different cultures decreasing effectiveness of cross-cultural communication include 1) high contextual communication, depending on ability of interpretation of communicators. And 2) Segmentation communication, separating places and issues communicated.

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How to Cite
Jiang, N. ., & Buranakorn, P. . (2024). Conditions Affecting Successes in Cross-Cultural Communication: a Case Study of International Affairs between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand and Higher Educational Institutes in People’s Republic of China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 58–78. retrieved from
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