The Model Of Buddhist Oriented Schools’ Administration to be the Leading Buddhist Way Based on the 4 Iddhipada Dhammas Under thePrimary Educational Service Area of Nong Khai Provinc

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Kraisorn Kaewfai
Kanokorn Somprach
Yingsan Hapha


          The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the needs and necessities of school administration towards becoming a leading Buddhist way of life; Under the jurisdiction of the Primary Educational Service Area Office Nong Khai Province 2) to create a Buddhist school management model To become a leading Buddhist way According to the 4 principles of influence under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area Nong Khai Province and 3) to evaluate the management model of Buddhist schools. To become a leading Buddhist way According to the 4 principles of influence under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area Nong Khai Province It is a combined method research. The research tools are interviews and statistics used in data analysis include mean and standard deviation.
          The research results found that
          1. There are 5 aspects necessary for school administration to become a leading Buddhist way of life: physical aspect, daily Buddhist activities. Teaching and learning Behavior of teachers, students, administrators and promotion of Buddhist practices
          2. Buddhist school management model to become a leading Buddhist way According to the Iddhipāda 4 principles, there are 4 elements: 1) name, format, 2) principles, concepts, 3) objectives, 4) content, and 5) measurement and evaluation.
          3. Results of suitability assessment possibility and the usefulness of the Buddhist school management model to become a leading Buddhist way According to the principle of Iddhipada, 4 is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Kaewfai, K. ., Somprach , K. ., & Hapha, Y. . (2024). The Model Of Buddhist Oriented Schools’ Administration to be the Leading Buddhist Way Based on the 4 Iddhipada Dhammas Under thePrimary Educational Service Area of Nong Khai Provinc. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 164–180. retrieved from
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