Factors affecting satisfaction in using the services of Government Housing Bank, Chanthaburi Branch

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Sirilux Luxsana
Lilawadi Phatanarajata


          The purpose of this research was to study demographic factors and service marketing mix that influenced customer satisfaction with using services of the Government Housing Bank Chanthaburi Branch. The questionnaire and statistical methods were used as tools for collecting data from 420 customers who used services in 1 - 30 October 2023 at Government Housing Bank Chanthaburi Branch. Data was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-Test and One-Way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the differences in (Age, Education, Occupation, and Income) influenced customer satisfaction with using services of the Government Housing Bank Chanthaburi Branch, the difference in demographic factors was Gender did not influence customer satisfaction, Furthermore, 7Ps Marketing Mix (Product Price People) affecting satisfaction to use services of Government Housing Bank Chanthaburi Branch.  Aspects (Place, Promotion, Process, Physical Evidence) had no different satisfaction affecting satisfaction to use services of Government Housing Bank the statistical significance level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Luxsana , S. ., & Phatanarajata, L. . (2024). Factors affecting satisfaction in using the services of Government Housing Bank, Chanthaburi Branch. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 18–31. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/271141
Research Article


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