The Digital Skills Abilities of the Village Headmen: a Case Study in Somdet District, Kalasin Province

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Paradorn Chaiyasri
Siwach Sripokangkul


           The world today has changed to disruptive technology much rapidly and enormously. People’s digital skills abilities are therefore very crucial. This research aims to study the following aspects: 1) the current state of digital skills among village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province; 2) problems and obstacles hindering the digital skills development of village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province; and 3) guidelines for enhancing the digital skills of village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province. This qualitative research gathers data through document analysis, conceptual exploration, and semi-structured interviews. The research employs purposive sampling, with a sample size of 8 individuals. Data analysis focuses on summarizing and identifying issues, obstacles, and potential solutions related to digital skill development among village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province.
           The research findings indicate: 1) the majority of village headmen in Somdet District possess some level of digital proficiency, although some lack digital technology skills. Challenges with internet connectivity, characterized by slow and unstable signals, impede the full utilization of digital systems. Moreover, fostering a positive attitude towards self-improvement is essential to cultivate enthusiasm for learning and utilizing digital technology in their duties. 2) Identified problems and obstacles concerning digital skills among village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province include inadequate training and limited opportunities for practical application. 3) Guidelines for enhancing the digital skills of village headmen in Somdet District, Kalasin Province emphasize the importance of cultivating a good attitude towards self-development, fostering enthusiasm for digital technology adoption, and facilitating effective adaptation to new technologies.

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How to Cite
Chaiyasri, P., & Sripokangkul, S. . (2024). The Digital Skills Abilities of the Village Headmen: a Case Study in Somdet District, Kalasin Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 153–167. Retrieved from
Research Article


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