Participation; handwoven cloth production process; community enterprise; self-reliance

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Thanikarn Srichan
Inthuraporn Intaraprajob
Thammarat Rompan


          This research has the following objectives: 1. To study the level of knowledge and understanding that affects participation in the hand-woven fabric production process on the development of self-reliant community enterprises. 2. To study the level of participation in the production process. Hand-woven cloth for the development of self-reliant community enterprises. 3. To study the problems and solutions of participation in the hand-woven cloth production process for the development of self-reliant community enterprises. Quantitative research (Quantitative Data) Members of the community weaving enterprise membership group registered with the Community Development Office. and Khon Sawan District Agriculture in Chaiyaphum province From a total of 663 members, the sample size was determined using Krejcie & Morgan's table. The sample size was 248 people. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency distribution and percentage (Percent). Mean ( ) Standard Deviation (S.D.) The research results are as follows.
          Knowledge and understanding of the hand-woven fabric production process towards the development of self-reliant community enterprises. It was found that the sample group had knowledge and understanding of the hand-woven fabric production process for the development of self-reliant community enterprises. Most of the samples were able to answer the questions correctly. The sample group answered 97.98% correctly and the level of participation of people in the hand-woven fabric production process towards the development of self-reliant community enterprises was found to have opinions about the hand-woven fabric production process towards the development of self-reliant community enterprises. Overall, it was at a moderate level ( = 3.08). The opinions regarding the problems and solutions of participation in the handwoven fabric production process towards the development of self-reliant community enterprises were that local agencies should strengthen community enterprise groups by Allocating an adequate budget Provide opportunities for members to participate in determining the direction of the group's plans. There is a greater exchange of knowledge among members both within and outside the group.


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How to Cite
Srichan, T. ., Intaraprajob , . I. . ., & Rompan, T. . (2024). Participation; handwoven cloth production process; community enterprise; self-reliance. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 349–365. Retrieved from
Research Article


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