Effectiveness of Enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya City

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Tanapat Virit


           The purposes of this research were to: 1) study level effectiveness of enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya city; 2) examine problems and obstacles effectiveness of enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya city; and 3) recommend guidelines and appropriate measures for enforcing the Building Control Act in the Pattaya City. The research was qualitative research. The data was obtained from documents, participant observation and in-depth interviews with 20 key informants then take the obtained data and describe it to draw conclusions in a systematic, logical manner, refer to theory and organize the data.
           The finding indicates as follow: 1) the level effectiveness of enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya city in each area is ambiguous, unclear and gaps in the law along with the policies of the executives who decide whether to take action or not take action against those who violate the regulations of the law or grant permission or permission to individual citizens; 2) the problems and obstacles effectiveness of enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya city result from 2.1) knowledge about the enforcement of the Building Control Act, 2.2) procedures and public relations for enforcement of the Building Control Act, 2.3) steps after issuing a permit for enforcing the Building Control Act, and 2.4) the need for suggestions regarding the enforcement of the Building Control Act; and 3) recommend guidelines and appropriate measures are to publicize information regarding building control law enforcement as well as conduct educational training to enable the public to participate in solving problems. In addition, creation values for maintaining appropriate orderliness and establish measures and conditions to prevent damage as well as create understanding and officials working in the Pattaya city.

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How to Cite
Virit, T. (2024). Effectiveness of Enforcement of the Building Control Act in Pattaya City . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 34–48. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/271486
Research Article


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