Ethics and Satisfaction Affecting Organizational Affiliation of employees of an automobile assembly company in Rayong Province

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Wirun Pakajarukitt
Sompon Thungwha


           The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of ethics in organizations; job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees of a car assembly company in Rayong Province. 2) Compare organizational commitment according to personal factors variables of employees of a car assembly company in Rayong Province. 3) Ethics in the organization. and job satisfaction that affects organizational commitment of employees of an automobile assembly company in Rayong Province.  The sample group used in the research was a total of 370 employees of a car assembly company in Rayong Province. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, namely frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and used inferential statistics, namely t-tests, one-way ANOVA tests. and Multiple Regression Analysis.
           The results of the research found that 1) Organizational ethics of employees of a car assembly company in Rayong Province Overall it is at a high level. Most in terms of the behavior of supervisors’ Overall job satisfaction is at a high level. The most in terms of success in work Overall commitment to the organization is at a high level. The most in the mind. 2) Personnel with different genders, ages, statuses, job positions, and length of service have different commitments to the organization. Personnel with income Education level Different people have different ties to the organization. No difference 3) Success in work, job description, company policy and compensation It affects the organizational commitment of employees of a car assembly company in Rayong Province.

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How to Cite
Pakajarukitt , W. ., & Thungwha, S. . (2024). Ethics and Satisfaction Affecting Organizational Affiliation of employees of an automobile assembly company in Rayong Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(10), 704–721. Retrieved from
Research Article


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