Visual Language in Maritime Culture Museums in Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China

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ติง หนิง
Suriya Chayacharoen
Suchat Thaothong


          Visual language in the Maritime Culture Museum in Liaoning Province People's Republic of China From a case study of three maritime culture museums: (1) Dalian Sunya Ocean World (2) Dalian Shell Museum and (3) Liaoning Marine Biology Museum, it can be concluded that: (1) the use of visual language in museums is still limited in the context of limited space and limitations on specific content, which may cause a lack of interest in the variety of content; (2) Policy advocacy opportunities should focus on improving space and exhibition design that emphasizes interaction with visitors. To make it interesting by combining knowledge along with fun and entertainment. This will lead visitors to become interested in the displayed media. Including the atmosphere of the exhibition room filled with illustrations and graphics that will attract more attention; and (3) the guideline for developing a maritime culture museum in Liaoning Province is to focus on creating a standard concept of exhibition management in a maritime museum. By using exhibition design principles, visual language design principles and principles of using information technology media to participate in the exhibition more than ever before. To attract visitors to be interested in the appearance of the exhibition. and leading the audience to understand the information displayed in the exhibition held. The audience will have an experience in viewing the exhibition along with a set of knowledge from understanding the essence of the exhibitions in the museum under management that focuses on developing the characteristics of a visual language that can be communicated universally.

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How to Cite
หนิง ต. ., Chayacharoen , . S. ., & Thaothong, S. . (2024). Visual Language in Maritime Culture Museums in Liaoning Province, The People’s Republic of China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 608–618. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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