Antecedents of Product Innovation and Trust Towards Purchase Decisions of CNC Cutting Metal Machines of Customers in Chonburi Areas

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Zengyang Xing
Thanyanan Boonyoo


          The objectives of this study included the causative factor affecting purchase decisions of CNC cutting machines of customers in the Chonburi areas. This is quantitative research in which samples in the study included 100 customers in the Chonburi areas who purchased CNC cutting machines. They were randomly selected by using simple random sampling. A questionnaire was implemented as a research tool and the statistics used in this study included percentage, means, standard deviation (SD), and structural equation modeling program (SEM).
          The findings of the study revealed that product innovation, trust, and customer satisfaction had directly impacted purchase decisions. The path coefficient scales included 0.240, 0.353, and 0.336. Adversely, product innovation and trust had indirectly impacted product decisions. Its path coefficient scales were at 0.177 and 0.087. Furthermore, product innovation and trust had directly impacted customer satisfaction and the path coefficient scales were at 0.529 and 0.260. The findings of the study revealed that product innovation that could create a variety of products and their modern development can respond to the customer needs both in quality and costs. Furthermore, precise communication and good service could encourage customers’ trust in the products and services of the distributors who have good reputations and performance. This could show positive outcomes to contribute the customer satisfaction and help them gradually high purchase decisions.

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How to Cite
Xing, Z., & Boonyoo, T. (2024). Antecedents of Product Innovation and Trust Towards Purchase Decisions of CNC Cutting Metal Machines of Customers in Chonburi Areas. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 259–271. Retrieved from
Research Article


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