Phochanawarak analysis: How to eat for good health

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Phra Prakrit Dhammawongso (Saengthiamchan)
Phramahanatthabhan Sutassanavipani (Hanpong)


          Article on nutritional analysis: How do I stay healthy. The objectives of the study are (1) to study the origin and importance of the Vinaya as it appears in the Vinaya Pitaka and (2) to analyze the values arising from the various diets. As prescribed by the Vinaya in the Bhochanavagga By this study, it was found that the value of practicing Dhamma according to the Vinaya provisions in the food section In order for the group of monks to be good and beautiful It is a blocking of all the āsavas that will arise from the flow of Dhamma that is affecting us in the present. and get rid of all the bad things that will arise in the future as well and for the sake of being a person with few illnesses, having mild disease, being energetic and strong, and for the well-being of monks who have good morals. To be able to stand firmly in the true Dhamma and generous with the discipline as well as to preserve the life of Buddhism so that it can continue to exist for a long time.

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How to Cite
Dhammawongso (Saengthiamchan) , P. P. ., & Sutassanavipani (Hanpong), P. . (2024). Phochanawarak analysis: How to eat for good health. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 529–539. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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