The Guidelines of Development on Cultural Tourism in Banwan Community of Namkam Sub-district in Mueang District of Sisaket Province

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Kanokkarn Boonsong


           Cultural tourism is important because this helps to learn and understand historical stories. This research aims to check out tourism resources of Banwan; 2) analyze the environment of tourism; and 3) define guidelines for the development of cultural tourism. The author applied Qualitative Research. Groups of key informants were governmental agencies, private enterprises, and public sectors (24 people). Also, the author applied specific sample selecting with tools of the research: community study checklist, tourism resource checklist, and in-depth interview. The author analyzed environmental data by applying SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix.
          For the results:
1) Outstanding tourism resources are Pratat Supannahong Temple, and Buddhist cultural tourism including cultural performance of Lao ethnic group, weaving, basketry, housing style and food processing. In addition, in this community, there are wooden bridge or we can call “Khua” where we can put the locks at the bridge as the sign of longing love to; ancient almsgiving one every Sunday; and the running of homestay business in the future.          
2) The author found the results of environmental analysis that the strengths: easiness of touching with good location, outstanding cultural capital, and unity community; the weaknesses: tourism planning, marketing planning, and knowledge management; the opportunity: world trends in cultural tourism; and the threat: economic collapsing, infrastructure, and facilities.
3) There are the development guidelines on cultural tourism such as active strategies: branding and marketing planning that adds value through the economy; and revival strategies: knowledge database creation, tourism route definition, and guideline setting for creating network including planning to prepare for various crises.

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How to Cite
Boonsong, K. (2024). The Guidelines of Development on Cultural Tourism in Banwan Community of Namkam Sub-district in Mueang District of Sisaket Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 86–98. Retrieved from
Research Article


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