The Predictive Factors For the Performance Effectiveness of Municipal Teachers in the Three Southern Border Provincess
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This research aimed to: 1) Investigate the effectiveness of municipal teacher’s performance in the three southern border provinces. 2) Examine the predictive factors of municipal teacher’s performance in the three southern border provinces. The population consisted of municipal teachers teaching in municipal affiliated schools in the three southern border provinces during the academic year 2023, totaling 1,320 individuals. The sample group consists of municipal teachers, with a sample size of 166, selected using stratified random sampling with G*Power software. The research tools include:1) Questionnaires on factors affecting municipal teacher’s performance.2) Evaluation forms assessing municipal teacher’s performance. Statistical analysis includes percentages, means, standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis using the Enter method. Research findings indicate:
1. Municipal teacher’s performance in the three southern border provinces is generally high.
2. The predictive equation for municipal teacher’s performance in terms of raw scores and standard scores is formulated as follows:
Prediction equation in raw scores:
= 2.065 + 0.270X4 – 0.214X6 + 0.212X7
Prediction equation in standardized scores:
= 0.257– 0.293 + 0.277
Article Details
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