Feasibility Study of the Tutorring Institute Business in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Pratch Pithaksanurat
Amornwan Rangkul


            The purpose of this study was to make a feasibility study of the tutoring institute business in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. This study included four aspects; marketing, management, finance, and technique to provide information for decision marking based on the worthiness and correctness of the investment, as well as to understand the problems, obstruction, and improvement direction on appropriate business efficiency.  The study was performed by collecting 400 samples of parents and students who had undergone tutoring in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region.  The marketing aspect consider all 7 aspects as for the marketing mix. For business investing, the importance of the marketing mix factor with the highest average value was the product, followed by the subsequent aspects such as process, personnel, price, distribution channel, and market promotion.  Whereas, the lowest average value importance of the marketing mix factor was physical characteristics. The management side employs the principles of organization management (Planning, Organization, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, POSDC) providing a simple organizational structure. Regarding the technical aspect, the location was appropriate in terms of closing to the community; educational institutions, including Rattanathibet School, Nonthaburi Witthaya School, and Wat Chotikaram School; market, as well as suitable for traveling to study tutoring locations. Finally, for the finance aspect, If the income reached the target, the net present value (NPV) was 2,291,117 baht, the internal rate of return (IRR) was 91.20%, and the break event time was 1 year. Such a tutoring business was feasible for investment.

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How to Cite
Pithaksanurat , P. ., & Rangkul, A. . (2024). Feasibility Study of the Tutorring Institute Business in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(11), 257–269. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/273624
Research Article


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