Excellent Early Childhood Education Management of Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit) Thawi Watthana Affiliation with Bangkok
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The objective of this research was to 1) study the excellent early childhood education management of Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit), Thawi Watthana District; Affiliation with Bangkok It is a qualitative research by studying data from documents, field visits, and in-depth interviews with relevant parties. There are 4 groups consisting of executives. Teachers, parents and school directors The instrument used in the research was a semi-structured interview method, which analyzed the data using a content-based analysis method in conjunction with a relevant literature review. The results showed that: 1) In terms of educational administration, it was found that Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit) Thawi Watthana District, under Bangkok Able to manage the promotion of family and community participation. There is systematic management. And there is environment management for safety. 2) In terms of teachers and organizing learning experiences, it was found that Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit) Thawi Watthana District, under Bangkok Emotional, mental, and social development are promoted and morality is cultivated. Ethics and good citizenship and promoting children in the transitional period to adapt to connections in the next grade. Promote the development of intelligence, language, and communication There is comprehensive care and development of children. 3) Regarding the quality of early childhood children, it was found that Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit) Thawi Watthana District, under Bangkok Children develop social skills, morality, discipline and good citizenship. Children have intellectual development Learn and create and children have appropriate growth and have appropriate health habits 4) In terms of specialties, it was found that Khlong Ton Sai School (Suklom Uthit) Thawi Watthana District, under Bangkok Education is very well organized. Important basic aspects The environment is conducive to developing the quality of learning and playing. and the development of individual child potential Both general children and special children Innovation in early childhood education and learning communities
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