Organization Administration Influencing the Participation of Personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization

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Phumvarin Chunhawongvarit


           The objectives of this research were threefold: 1) to study organization administration influencing the participation of personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization; 2) to compare organization administration influencing the participation of personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization; and 3) examine relationship of organization administration influencing the participation of personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization. The research is a quantitative research design. The sample group consists of 200 individuals, determined using the Krejcie and Morgan formula. Statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test for one-way analysis of variance, and correlation coefficient.
           The research results find that: 1) the overall of organization administration influencing the participation of personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization are at an agreeable level; 2) the comparison based on the personal data of the overall sample group does not show any differences, except in terms of the characteristics of the organization concerning gender, education level and monthly income, regarding the characteristics of the executives in terms of gender and the characteristics of the personnel in the organization in terms of monthly income. The participation of personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization is generally not different in terms of involvement in planning and in operational activities, except for the aspect of participation in performance auditing, which shows a statistically significant difference by gender at the .05 level; and 3) studying the relationship organization administration influencing the participation of personnel, it is found that the average values at the individual level, the interpersonal level, and the organizational level had Sig. (2-tailed) values of 0.000, 0.002 and 0.004, respectively.

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How to Cite
Chunhawongvarit , P. . (2024). Organization Administration Influencing the Participation of Personnel in the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 166–178. Retrieved from
Research Article


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