Guidelines for Driving Tourism Under Policies for Sustainability
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Sustainability is tourism that has quality, including quality of life, quality of community, quality of experience and quality of environment and culture. It is tourism that is still a continuation of tourism that is considered tourism and It is tourism that takes into account the balance between the needs of tourists and the services or tourism resources and the potential of those involved in tourism management. Therefore, sustainable tourism has scope for promotion. Tourism will be sustainable. It must have tourists visiting regularly. There are tourism resources that continually attract the attention. There are tourism service activities that generate profits in return. There are improvements and changes to the service and has minimal impact on the natural environment, society, and culture.
Driving a successful sustainable tourism policy must include the ability of tourists to use the services. Convenience of traveling and using travel services, access to tourist attractions including the ability to entertain tourists. In addition, the development of tourist attractions must develop tourism activities that are consistent with and suitable for tourist attractions to meet the needs of tourists.
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