A Comparison of academic achievement and basic science process skills Using a multimedia activity set with inquiry-based learning (5E) In the subject of science on plant life for Grade 2 students at Phet Thanom School

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Lalita Kongka
Surawee Peanpedlerd


           The objective of this experimental research is to: (1)  compare the learning achievements in the topic of group using multimedia activities before and after learning, (2)  compare the learning achievements of the  group using multimedia activity group between the students group using normal teaching group after learning, (3)  compare the science process skills the group using multimedia activity with those regular teaching group, (4) study students’ after using multimedia activities, The sample comprised of 60 students in grade 2 is at Phet Thanom School ,selected using purposive sampling during academic year 2023, The instruments included (1) the multimedia activity set, (2) lesson plans, (3) a learning achievement test, (4) science skill test, (5) a students’ satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis using mean, percentage, standard deviation, Independent Sample t-test, Dependent Sample t-test.
           The results of the research showed that:
           1) The academic achievement learning management using multimedia activities were significantly higher than before learning at the .05 level.
          2) The academic achievement normal learning management. were significantly higher than before learning at the .05 level.
           3) The academic achievement after learning the group using multimedia activities significantly higher than normal learning management at the .05 level.
          4) The science process skills after learning management using a multimedia activity Higher than students normal learning management with significance at the .05 level.
           5) Grade 2 students, after leaning management using multimedia activities, were overall highly satisfied (= 4.57, SD= 0.39).

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How to Cite
Kongka , L. ., & Peanpedlerd, S. . (2024). A Comparison of academic achievement and basic science process skills Using a multimedia activity set with inquiry-based learning (5E) In the subject of science on plant life for Grade 2 students at Phet Thanom School . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 482–502. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/275194
Research Article


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