The Effect of Mnemonic Techniques With Vocabulary Picture Books on Vocabulary Learning Achievement of Grade 5 Students
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The objectives of this study were to: 1) create and develop learning activities using mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture books, 2) compare the vocabulary learning achievement of students before and after using mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture books, and 3) investigate students’ perspectives on learning management using mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture books. The sample consisted of 38 students in grade 5/1 at Watrangsisuthavad School, Chonburi Province, selected using purposive sampling during the second semester of the academic year 2023. The instruments comprised of: 1) vocabulary picture books, 2) mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture book lesson plans 3) a vocabulary learning achievement test, and 4) a students’ perspective evaluation form. Data analysis using mean ( ), percentage and standard deviation (S.D.), and dependent sample t-test.
The research results were: 1) Learning activities using mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture books were overall at a very good level. ( = 4.98, S.D.= 0.04) 2) Students' vocabulary learning achievement after studying with the mnemonic technique with vocabulary picture books was higher than before, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) Students’ perspectives on learning management using mnemonic techniques with vocabulary picture books were overall at a high level. ( = 2.47, S.D.= 0.28)
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