Developing a processing model and propel the date palm marketing mechanism of Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province.

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Phramaha Kitti Kittimatee
Phra Udompunyaporn
PhramahaSuttidon Jittapanyo
Phramaha Natthabhan Sudassanavibhani


          This study focuses on creating a processing and marketing model for date palm farmers in Khon Kaen Province who practice Buddhist principles in their agricultural activities. It employs qualitative research methods to gather and analyze data, aiming to develop suitable processing models and marketing mechanisms that align with Buddhist agricultural values. Additionally, the study evaluates the impact of these models on farmers' income and quality of life.
          The research findings indicate that the appropriate date palm processing method for Buddhist agriculture is natural processing, avoiding the use of chemicals and considering environmental impacts. Suitable processing methods include producing dried dates, candied dates, and date palm juice. For marketing mechanisms, the research suggests emphasizing cooperation among farmers, developing product branding, and utilizing diverse marketing channels such as direct sales, online marketing, and distribution through organic farming groups.
          The implementation of the developed processing model and marketing mechanism has led to increased income for farmers, improved quality of life, and enhanced self-reliance. Additionally, these practices have positive effects on the environment and society, playing a crucial role in promoting sustainable development in the agricultural sector of Khon Kaen Province.

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How to Cite
Kittimatee, P. K. ., Phra Udompunyaporn, Jittapanyo , P. ., & Sudassanavibhani, P. N. (2024). Developing a processing model and propel the date palm marketing mechanism of Buddhist agriculture in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 724–736. retrieved from
Academic Article


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