The Agenda Setting and Policy Formulation: A Case Study of the Annexation for the Buddhist B.E. 2562
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This research aims to study the process of advocating for the enactment and drafting of the Buddhist Studies Act, B.E. 2562., This research aims to study the process of advocating for the enactment and drafting of the Buddhist Studies Act, B.E. 2562. , and approving the draft law, as well as the core elements of the policy agenda, draft bill, and the enacted law passed by the National Legislative Assembly. Additionally, the research analyzes the consistency between the issues identified in the policy agenda and the content of the drafted and enacted Buddhist Studies Act, B.E. 2562, as well as the factors affecting the alignment between these issues and state policies.
Additionally, the research analyzes the consistency between the issues identified in the policy agenda and the content of the drafted and enacted Buddhist Studies Act, B.E. 2562, as well as the factors affecting the alignment between these issues and state policies. This qualitative research collects data through document research and interviews with 20 individuals involved in the advocacy and drafting process. The data is analyzed using the concepts of issue formation, agenda setting, and policy formulation.
The research findings indicate that the issue of poor quality in the study of Buddhist Scriptures in the Department of General Education schools surfaced in 2002 with the establishment of the National Office of Buddhism. Teachers and school personnel raised the issue during meetings and seminars organized by the office. The agenda was pushed from 2002 to 2015, with four attempts to address unclear status and insufficient budget allocation. Draft bills were submitted to the Senate and the Sangha Supreme Council. The policy agenda was successfully adopted by the Sangha Supreme Council in 2015 after 12 years of advocacy. However, the policy formulation process led to changes in the content of the Buddhist Studies Act, B.E. 2562, which did not align with the originally advocated policy agenda due to alterations by the Sangha Supreme Council and governmental agencies. Consequently, the act may address issues in the study of Buddhist Scriptures in the Department of the Dhamma Central and Pali sections but fails to resolve the problems raised by the study of Buddhist Scriptures in the Department of General Education schools.
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