Guidelines For Development In Providing The Public Service Of The Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization

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Wandee Lertcharoensilp
Kamonwan Wanthanang


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the public service of the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization; 2) to compare the public service of the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization classified by personal factors; and 3) to identify guidelines for development in providing public service. There were 2 research methods. The first was to study and compare the public service of the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization, classified by personal factors. The samples consisted of 399 people who lived in the Angthong Province and were 18 or over of age obtained by using with stratified sampling. The questionnaire was used for collecting data. The reliability was .95. The statistics were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and double test (LSD). Second, the research presented guidelines for development in providing public service by the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization. The key informants included 12 personnel with purposive sampling. The interview was used to collect data. The content analysis was conducted in this study. The results of this research were as follows: 1) the public service of the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization overall was at a high level. The highest aspect was public service of infrastructure, and the lowest aspect was public service of arts, culture, and local wisdom; 2) the differences in age, gender, education, occupation, salary, and area of living had different aspects of public service at a statistical significance of .05; and 3) guidelines for providing public service of the Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization; 1) art, culture, and local wisdom should be promoted and preserved for the next generation; 2) sport activities and sport associations should be promoted for exercise; and 3) social media should be used to disseminate information and gather public opinion.

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How to Cite
Lertcharoensilp , W. ., & Wanthanang, K. . (2024). Guidelines For Development In Providing The Public Service Of The Angthong Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 446–462. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Wandee Lertcharoensilp , Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University

Doctor of Public Administration (Public Policy) National Institute of Development Administration


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