Administrators’ Competencies Model Of Private Technological And Vocational Colleges In Bangkok Area

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Kurhab Nownsai
Pornthep Muangman
Peerapong Tipanark
Nitaya Sremakutphun


        The objectives of this research were to study the components and indicators of administrator’s competencies for private vocational colleges; and to propose and verify the concurrent validity of administrator’s competencies for private vocational colleges in Bangkok.

           The research was a mixed methodology, including qualitative research and quantitative research. The population was 75 private vocational colleges, and sampling by simple random sampling to study, totaling 60 colleges, the representative of population was 300 persons of administrators and head of the faculty. The research instruments were semi-structured interview form, and five-point rating scale questionnaire. Statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results of this research were found that: (1) there were six components and 26 indicators of administrator’s competencies for private vocational colleges in Bangkok, consisting of: personal competency with 5 indicators, professional competency with 4 indicators, managerial competency with 5 indicators,  directing subordinate competency with 4 indicators, and analyzing and deciding competency with 4 indicators; (2) the administrator’s competencies for private vocational colleges in Bangkok model that developed was fit with the empirical data. The value of Relative Chi-square (χ2/df) = 1.91, Degree of Freedom (df) = 155, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.95, Adjust Goodness of Fit Index = 0.91, Tucker-Lewis Iindex (TLI) = 0.98, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.05, all in line with specified criteria. And the key components had the weight between 0.91-0.97 higher than 0.70.


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How to Cite
Nownsai, K. ., Muangman, P. . ., Tipanark , . P. ., & Sremakutphun, N. . (2024). Administrators’ Competencies Model Of Private Technological And Vocational Colleges In Bangkok Area. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 570–592. retrieved from
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