Performance and Organizational Commitment Satisfaction Affects on Operational Efficiency of University Support Staff Under Government Responsibilihes, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Sorawit Panyakul
Thongfu Siriwongse


          The objectives of this independent research were 1) to study the performance satisfaction of motivating and supporting factors in the performance of support university staff, 2) to study the commitment of support university staff, 3) to study the performance efficiency of a support university staff, 4) to study the performance efficiency of support university staff by individual factors, 5) to study the satisfaction of motivation (motivation factors, support factors) and organizational commitment affects on operational efficiency of support university staff.
          The sample that conducted this research were support university staff by gender, age, status, job title, educational background, work experience, income, totaling about 240 people. The tools and statistics used in this research were: Questionnaire, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis with statistical significance of 0.05
          The result found that the majority of respondents were female , aged 31-40 , single , university staff , bachelor's degree , 6-10 years of work experience , and income of 20,001-30,000 baht . It affected the operational efficiency of support university staff statisticall significant at 0.05. And satisfaction with motivation and organizational commitment showed that norms, responsibility, job  security, job success  affected on operational effectiveness of a support university staff with statistical significance at 0.05 

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How to Cite
Panyakul , S. ., & Siriwongse, T. . (2024). Performance and Organizational Commitment Satisfaction Affects on Operational Efficiency of University Support Staff Under Government Responsibilihes, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 553–564. retrieved from
Research Article


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